Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2010

Neues Rathaus

Neues Rathaus, originally uploaded by S3er.

"Neues Rathaus - Wahrzeichen und eines der begehrtesten Fotomotive von Hannover"

"The New Town Hall - landmark and one of the most photograph object of Hanover"

Finally I found some time to take pictures of it.

This is a HDR out of 11 exposures.... don't ask! I wanted to try it! Actually there is no difference to 9, 7 or 5 exposures, maybe to 3. Also you should have more than 4gb RAM.... otherwise you spend some time waiting for the result, believe me! :D

Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010

Welcome A380

Welcome A380, originally uploaded by S3er.

Today the first A380 from Lufthansa did an airport test landing at Hannover. I was too late for the actual landing and because I wanted to switch position to the end of the runway I also missed the start. :( Stupid me.

Never mind I got some nice shots of this beast.

A380 on the airfield of Hannover

A380 on the airfield of Hannover, originally uploaded by S3er.

Front shot of the LH A380 on the airfield of Hannover.

I used Luminance HDR 2.0 for the initial processing and Gimp for the finish.

A380 on the airfield of Hannover

A380 on the airfield of Hannover, originally uploaded by S3er.

Zoom shot with my Tamron 18-270VC freehand from a borrowed ladder. I had to use the ladder because of ugly high fences around the viewing point.

In full 270mm zoom the lens produces quite a few chromatic aberrations but it is easily correctable afterwards.